What to Expect at Your Hygiene Visit


The American Dental Hygiene Association observes October as National Oral Health Month. As your dental hygienist, it is my pleasure to promote good oral health habits.  Many people wonder what to expect during a regular visit.  Well… Let me tell you, a preventive visit is not as scary as many people think!

First, we will have you fill out some forms about your health history. Yes, your general health is directly linked to your oral health. If you are immunocompromised, or have a chronic disease, it’s important to know and make special accommodations if needed.

 We will take a set of x-rays as part of the assessment. As a hygienist, dental x-rays are a very important tool for identifying periodontal disease.  However, many patients are concerned with radiation exposure. The good news is that The American Dental Association reports dental radiation is as minimal as natural source radiation, such as the sun.  

A thorough oral exam is completed by palpating around your face, neck, and intraoral soft tissues.  This exam helps us to detect any early-stage abnormalities around soft tissues. We take measurements and check for color of your gums to identify early signs of periodontal disease. After this portion of the exam is completed, we will go over your homecare routine, and help you set goals to optimize your oral health.

After the initial assessment is completed, the real fun begins! Your basic, routine dental cleaning is also known as a prophylaxis.  We generally use hand instruments and, in some cases, we use an ultrasonic instrument. An ultrasonic instrument is water operated and uses small vibrations to remove calculus, tartar, and plaque biofilm.  Once all the buildup is removed, your teeth are polished to remove extrinsic stains. We then finish by flossing your teeth.

By completing these regular visits every 6 months at Yellowstone Dental Associates, you are sure to keep a squeaky clean mouth! Call us today to schedule your appointment!

- Written by Maricela, Registered Dental Hygienist

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